How do you deal with criticism of your work, choices and decisions?
I'm Nycka Nunes, a personal image and personal brand consultant, and a visual artist. In this blog I talk about topics related to personal style and personal brands.
Some people get offended when they receive criticism, rejecting it all and, with it, any possibility of personal development. Others know how to filter which criticisms are valid and take them in the direction they want to go. In both cases, if someone criticizes you and the criticism affects you, even if you don't react, it means that the message you want to convey is not being sent correctly. You are failing to build your personal brand. You don't have the training, repertoire or knowledge to achieve this on your own, so the best thing to do, for faster results, is to hire my services. In the consultancy you can learn how to position yourself, develop focus, have an appearance consistent with the image you want to convey, have a strategy to achieve your goals, among other benefits. And you will be free from the discomfort of criticism!
I work with clients from all over the world and access brands from various countries to build a unique wardrobe and develop a distinctive style for each client. See the sidebar for how to hire me. Also read the commitments page, which covers my commitments and client commitments.
Nycka Nunes
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