Thursday, 6 February 2025

๐ŸŒŽ Age and personal style

Let's talk about how age affects personal style.

I'm Nycka Nunes, and I've been working in the fashion industry since 1981. I'm a personal style consultant, among other things. My standards are high. If you're satisfied with what the majority believes, and think that the majority is more right than a professional with over forty years of experience, you're in the wrong place.

I started writing this post listening to a song by Thirty Seconds to Mars, because while I was listening I thought about the evolution of Jared Leto's style and how he's much more interesting nowadays than when he was young. Many other men and women have improved with age, from being just cute or not even that when they were young to being very attractive people after 40.

There are some ways to deal with personal style. And this says a lot about each person's internal processes, how each person deals with personal development.

The most common is just an evolution and not a revolution. It's when the person changes little by little. For example, little by little you start buying more tailored items and stop buying jeans.

There are also people who do not have a developed personal style and their self-knowledge is between zero and minimal. They sometimes think they have style because they confuse the “styles” that journalists talk about when describing fashion shows with personal style. And they are different things. I have talked about this a lot on social media.

And there are those who go through stable phases and from time to time take style leaps. I consider myself this way, mainly because I buy very durable clothes and make small purchases every 3 or 5 years, to replace pieces that are already very old. Consequently, large purchases take time. And the style evolves little by little, and, in times of larger purchases, it can take leaps.

This evolution of style is related to self-knowledge and each person’s goals. In style consulting, I help my clients communicate exactly what they want through their appearance. Including internal changes.

As human beings, we usually go through rites of passage, and we want to express these changes in our appearance as well. That is why, when we are promoted at work, we tend to dress differently. When we get married, we tend to change our appearance a little too. And the same happens when a relationship comes to an end. And when the change is internal, when we decide to adopt a different attitude towards life, this need to change our appearance also arises.

And what does all this have to do with age? Age is not a sign of maturity. There are people who just get older, without maturing. This is also often noticeable when we observe the appearance of these people, especially when comparing what they looked like when they were 20 and when they were 40 or older. It is not a rule, but, especially among men, the absence of changes or very subtle changes tends to be noticeable in those who do not mature.

Maturity requires self-knowledge and letting go of old beliefs that were planted by your family in childhood. When you let go of such beliefs, changes in appearance usually occur. In any case, someone who reaches 40 years of age without knowing how to wear a suit and choose a suit that is reasonably comfortable in the correct size is someone who has a lot to learn.

There is no right outfit for every age, but there is right outfit for every personality, body type, lifestyle, among other characteristics. Only the guidance of an experienced stylist like me can give you the best resources to look your best.

Nycka Nunes

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